The starting point of this period does not always coincide the time of consuming drug, because some tests can not reveal the current use of substance. For example hair test starts detect drugs only few days after use. Drug detection time for saliva test usually starts either immediately (in case of oral way of consumption) or just few minutes after use.

Drug detection period is not absolutely determined by the drug and type of test, because of many other factors that interact and influence the human metabolism and hence the time it takes the body to get rid of all drug metabolites.
The factors that affect detection time are:
- Age
- Body mass
- Metabolic rate
- Health condition
- Physical activity
- Drug tolerance
- Amount and potency of drug used
Detection times of various drugs in the saliva
Drug | Days |
Amphetamines (MDA, Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine) | 3 |
Barbiturates of intermediate acting (Butalbital, Amobarbital) | 3 |
Barbiturates of short acting (Pentobarbital, Secobarbital) | 2 |
Buprenorphine (Buprenex, Norspan, Suboxone) | 3 |
Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Lorazepam, Alprazolam, Ativan, Chlordiazepoxide, Oxazepam, Clonazepam, Triazolam, Flurazepam, Flunitrazepam) | 3 |
Cocaine, Crack | 3 |
Codeine | 3 |
Ecstasy | 3 |
Heroin | 2 |
Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Norco, Lortab, Lorcet) | 2 |
Ketamine | 7 |
LSD | 3 |
Marijuana | 2-4 |
Hashish, Hash Oil | 4 |
Methamphetamine | 3 |
Methadone | 7 |
Morphine | 2-7 |
Mushroom | 3 |
Nicotine | 3-7 |
Opiates (Butorphanol, Percocet, Percodan, Codeine, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, OxyContin, Dextropropoxyphene, Hydrocodone, Laudanum, Hydromorphone, Dilaudid, Tylox, Opana, Thebaine, Roxanol, Sadol) | 2-5 |
PCP | 3-5 |
Ritalin | 5 |
Valium (Diazepam) | 3 |
Xanax (Alprazolam) | 3 |
How to reduce drug detection time in saliva test
Reducing of drug detection time in saliva is useful for those who want to increase chances of passing a mouth swab drug test. First of all you must stop taking drugs as well as any other toxic substances to avoid false-positive result. One of the most effective strategies that can be used is proper brushing of teeth at least three times focusing on the cheeks, tongue and gum lines. Drink a significant amount of water to keep mouth fluids moving, eat high fat food an hour before the test to speed up drug absorption, consume mints to conceal the presence of drug chemicals inside the mouth, chew a cube of ice to dilute saliva and cut down the proportion of toxins in it. Kitchen ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and lemon juice can be used to change the acidity and pH levels of oral fluids. It is highly recommended to use special detoxifying mouthwash, such as Ultra Wash or Stinger Detox, 20-30 minutes before the test.
How do you know your positive for meth
ReplyDeleteWhat if you get random saliva tests & don't have time to detox for a few days? Whats the best way to hide toxins after snorting something? Ive used the detox mouth wash for years now and its always worked but in the past few months the mouthwash has only covered some of the toxins but showed others. That part did not make sense to me. Can anybody help me out with accurate answers based on experiences not what you've been told or read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteOk I go to the Methadone Clinic and i take 130mg of methadone bc i was addicted to pain pills. Every month my Councler used to give me a urine drug test to make sure I am only taking the methadone, well this month they changed the urine test to a saliva test. I have been on methadone for 5 years now but I also have been taking Xanax for the last 3 years without a prescription. So my question is how can I pass a saliva test and still have methadone show up?? Please help!!
ReplyDeleteI go to a clinic to and they do saliva tests aswell. They will not check for methadone. I have been through it all. N since u take that medicine in front of them they ashe it is in ur system. N cut the cost n make a smaller detection panel. Just worry about keeping the xanax out or atleast making it a undetermined test results.
DeletePeoplw have told me to wash your mouth out with biotene as close to the time of the saliva test as possible. If anyone uses this and can give me some feedback that would be much appreciated. Its seem to work for me.
DeleteIf it didn't show up in your urine it's a little less likely to show up in the swab. I get swabs and when I took Xanax without prescription those would show up but for some reason when I take klonopin they don't show up I don't know why. When I took her urine it did. So if you've been passing urine's I wouldn't worry too much about the swab. That's just my experience though so I know everyone's different. I would much rather have a swab than a urine.
DeleteI go to a clinic and hav had at least 3 false positves with these saliva tests over a period of 2 yrs with 2 being a few minths apart. Why does this happen and how can I avoid it?
ReplyDeleteI go to a clinic and they do check for methadone
ReplyDeleteSure do
DeleteI took Xanax and Clonapen on sun and I have a mouth swab on wed will I pass
Deletewhere that person got the info methadone clinics dont check for methadone is high of coarse they want your methadone levels my Questions is why do they not know Klonopin is a peek a boo drug that will sometimes show up on saliva swab tests and sometimes not I havent had a dirty swab test in 7 yrs and my couselor just informed me my last 2 swabs were dirty cuz the klonopin showed both times so they consider them dirty although i have a perscription for them i hand in every month but when I have a swab and the klonopins dont show up its considered a clean swab I going to fight it I just need documentation that it is a peek a boo drug
Deleteifa person smoked about a 100dollars worth if crack will it be out if there saliva in 3 or 4 days?
ReplyDeleteReally? How do you think you can have a job and smoke crack? The two do not go together, a job and crack, they will just look at you and say, crackhead.So just stop smoking that poison,not worth it.
DeleteTo the person that said crack and a job dont go together etc..thats not always the case...My ex of 9 years was on crack (a bunch) and I didnt even know it..he would smoke it all night and still go work every single day and pay bills..just deoends on the person i guess lol
DeleteIf I take my Suboxone in the morning will it show up in my Swab Test at 2:00 pm tomorrow? I haven't taken it in like 4 days but I have to have in my system for the doctor tomorrow
ReplyDeleteI have been using Listerine mouth wash and brushing my gums tongue and the roof of my mouth and even my cheeks 3 times a day for at least 3 days before the test and then I use the Listerine on the way to the clinic and when before I go to the nurses office to take the swab i run to the rest room and Listerine for 45 sec then take the swab ASAP and I pass with bensos and methadone does show up if u take a quarter that morning
DeleteI go to the clinic and i have private insurance. Well the clinic i go to used to be self pay but now they've switched yo medicaid. So they started with the mouth swabs. I have taken clonzapams since i was 11 years old. One day they have this new law that you have to go down to 80 mgs if you're prescribed.. well i take double that. So when that started I told my primary care physician to just stop my Klonopin prescription and since then I've just passed the drug screens I've never had it show up in my urine anyways. But then they started the mouth swabs and I felt the first two. I've passed two since then but I go on vacation in 18 days and have to have an exception for 3 days I'm a level 5 so I only go once a week. Have put some water in my mouth before the drug screen because I had a really bad anxiety attack 2 days before my drug screen and had to take a Klonopin mind you I only take one a day anyways. Usually what I do before the test is not take anything for 2 days and suffer through my anxiety as terrible as it is to make sure that I don't lose my levels. So with me taking one a day and a half before my drug screen I was freaking out so I put some water in my mouth before I went up to the window and used it it turn blue at the end really quickly because it was mostly water. But now I'm freaking out that I'm going to fail the test and not be able to go on vacation with my family like I do every year. I run into this anxiety issue every year because my mother-in-law goes with us on vacation she does nothing about the clinic so if I don't get my exception I would have to explain to her that I go to the methadone clinic. Can anyone tell me any success stories about not feeling for benzos but still having their Methadone in their system at a clinic? I can't find anything recent or within the past year, and as you know technology changes within a year so who knows what new things they have implemented since 2015. I just want to feel normal again damnit I've been going to the clinic for four years I guess it's time for me to stop going. I hate running into this problem every single year when I'm going on vacation with my family I don't want to miss my family vacation because I have anxiety and I go to the clinic. And it's not just a little anxiety these are full-blown panic attacks where I'm hyperventilating laying in the floor with a cold rag freaking out. Any help would be greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteI get methadone and Xanax from my Dr. Maybe you should ask your Dr to writes you a script and you will not die. That is people that overtake everything in sight.
DeleteYou have a Dr. that writes you methadone and xanax? Shit whats his name, Dr. feelgood?
DeleteI believe if methadone doesn't show up in the swab they will give you a urine. I don't know when you're going away or how long but maybe by the time they get it back you'll be gone I don't know. Taken Klonopin and Xanax without prescriptions and for some reason with the oral swabs the majority of the time it comes up clean when I take klonopin but when I would take the Xanax it would come up dirty and I take them at night at like 9 or 10 and go to the clinic in the morning usually by 7. I never know when I'm going to get one though so I can never prepare. If you have a prescription to show them you would not be considered dirty at least that's how it works where I go.
DeleteI took a urine test then right after I took a xanax bar after that I walked in to the group room and they gave me a saliva test how long does xanax take to show up in your saliva?
ReplyDelete3 days. This information is in the article.
DeleteThese times are a little extended, from my owm personal experience. Crystal is 2 days, pot is 24 hours and I know Valiums (I'd compare to Xans) are 48 hours
DeleteHi, my neighbour has been smoking some really strong dope, I can smell it throughout my flat (it's the flat underneath mine) this morning I woke up with a fuzzy head and red eye, I've smoked weed in the past so know the feeling, is it possible to fail a swab by passive smoking?
ReplyDeleteUnlikely, nearly impossible
DeleteI will have to take a drug test this Friday coming. My drug test is a mouth swab ok my question is I have a Xanax it's only one milligram ok if I take half of that one miligram Xanax will it show up on my mouth swab by this Friday or will it be out of my system to pass the swab test?
ReplyDeleteAnybody use alere oral drug test? I smoked a jay on Tuesday and drug tested this morning. I know it says like 3 days but I'm tripping. I don't smoke much. I smoked around noon or so and took the test at 9:30am . They sent it to a lab in Virginia. Anyone have an idea?
ReplyDeleteToday is Thursday btw
DeleteIf took a little baby piece of a strip will it show up after two days and I used Listerine I take a mouth swab
ReplyDeleteI got pulled over by cops and they tested me on drugs. I' ve been smoking weed now and then, but I haven't smoked 3 days back when I got a test. The best part is that I've been positive on amphetamines. Not THC. Can somebody explain me that?
ReplyDeleteMy last test for my pc I tested positive for Xanax because I couldn't pee enough so they gave me a mouth swab. I've been begging to be put on Xanax or something due to massive anxiety, but because of my other meds, no one will put me on it. I'm on valum as a muscle relaxer, (that's why I thought this 1 time I could use Xanax because they never had tested for specific benzos, but of course I couldn't pee enough) Also in the last 2 months they've cut all my meds in half. I've been taking 8mg a day of Xanax for 7 days. I will most likely have to take another test in 10 days since this was the 1st in 3 years I've ever failed one. I'm hoping to do a swab since urine shows for at least 6 weeks. I've read all the comments, and will head all advice. I'm wondering if I take extra levothyroxyn to up my metabolism, Epson salt baths, healthy smoothies (all to rid toxins) do you think this will help as well as exercise? I can't risk failing another one. It was stupid of me! I am on meds for other things so I can't completely Wipe my system. Has anyone tried this? Thank you in advance! Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
ReplyDeleteI took a half of a 10mg methadone I never ever take em will it show up in a saliva drug test tomorrow morning at 9am and what can I do to make sure I pass
ReplyDeleteI hope 2 weeks is enough to pass an oral swab test at the clinic for Xanax.
ReplyDelete3 days at the most and you will be clean. Just brush your teeth regularly.
DeleteWell I get oral tested all the time from outpatient and work I've found the xanax is out of your system quite fast depending on how much you take like I'll do 4 .5mgs over a two day period and they are out in 3 days if that using a whitening toothpaste peroxide based is the best. Plus chewing mint fum before you take the test. Also be a where that my quill taken frequently can give you a false positive for methadone just happen to me
DeleteHelp I'm on sub's, I go monthly well I've been taking 2 mg xanx a day. Well today is Tuesday I took 2mg @5 my test is Saturday at 2, they do saliva test. Will I fail or pass?
ReplyDeleteI go to a methadone clinic and they mouth swabbed me and said OPIATES AND SUBOXONE in my system. Along with THC and Xanex which was accurate and prescribed. wtf?!
ReplyDeletehey there, can someone pls help me? i live in Louisville and my Suboxone doctor has tested me for the past 7 yrs, and for most of that time, i've kept my head down and been sober... however just recently i smoked bud and took a klonopin, I will NOT make excuses,No one made me use, besides myself, I recently lost my Best friend since childhood, and I guess I just felt like, why even bother? never the less, I went to my docs (I have to go once to see counselor, and once to see doctor a month) I was definitely not expecting the test til 2 weeks when I next see my Counselor.... BUT>> there was a new lab lady in office, I told her "I literally just went to pee ma'am" but she replied, "thats quite alright, we have MOUTH SWAB TEST now!!!!!!" this was on new to me, so i tried my best to keep it above my tongue and away from the most metabolized areas, then i panicked and went to my docs, and admitted I relapsed and told her on what, kinnda told her anyway, since i had smoked a couple without 48 hrs within saliva test but only took a 0.5 mg of klonopin 4 days prior to test. but i only admitted to the use of marijuana, not benzos
ReplyDeleteI've been a regular cocaine user and have a saliva ten days after use. The test doesn't go to a lab it is a 6 panel test. Pass or fail. Are these tests anywhere near as accurate as the lab tests and do you think I will be ok after 10 days?
ReplyDeleteIf you trying to pass a Urine test buy at gnc q16carbo it's a herbal cleanse instructions in the back of the bottle
ReplyDeleteI have passed many swab tests within 15-21 hours after my last drug use. I hope this can ease some minds. I have flipped out many times thinking I was screwed and was pleasantly surprised when they come back negative. I have a high metabolism and I'm a pretty big dude, but unless you're taking a lot of any specific testable drugs, at least 15 hours should be enough time to pass a saliva test...
ReplyDeleteHi I took a 2mg Suboxone Sunday morning and I have a saliva test this wensday do you think I will pass? Also so you know I don't take them often maybe once or twice every couple of weeks and I'm a small female. Lol I weigh about 125 and I get modorat exercise and overall I'm pretty healthy! I know this post is old and I'm not sure if u will even reply but I stumbled upon this while googling how long a Suboxone is in my saliva. If you get this could you give me some advice? Thank you!!!
DeleteWhen will 10 mg of klonopin be undectable on saliva test
ReplyDeleteIf someone snorted a couple lines of crystal meth and a few hours later was surprised with an oral swab test, but instead of putting the swab against the cheek he bit down on the stick and kept his mouth closed without having the cotton touch any part of the inside of his mouth for ten min. I assume the test will come back as "need another sample no salvia detected."
ReplyDeleteIf i drank a little codeine Friday and i took a saliva test Tuesday at 10 am will I pass ?
ReplyDeleteI have been clean for a little over 5 months. But my saliva tests keep coming back positive for cocaine. I'll take a you've test the same day at another dr to prove I'm clean. What am I doing that's causing this???? I take multivitamins, turmeric, immune boosters, and lavender essential oil by mouth to cleanse my liver, kidneys, and pancreas. I've changed my whole life around and I just can't figure out why these keep coming back positive?!? I have weeks of m/w/f urine tests that come back clean, except for what I'm prescribed (suboxone and a few other non narcotics). It is NOT drugs so what am I doing to keep popping positive?
ReplyDeleteIs it possible someone could be slipping it into a drink or something cos that is very strange for it to continuously show up & u have not been using it
Deletetake Norco, but pee test keep coming back positive for opiates and oxy? why!! I have a test in 12 days and my career depends on me passing. I have a rx for the Norco. Will that be a issue? Also had take 1 bar of xanax for 7 days but stopped 3 days ago, test are still positive for that , how long does that take?
ReplyDeleteIf I have taken 15mgs if oxycodone this morning(Wednesday) and I have a mouth swab test for a job on Friday morning @ 10am and have been drinking lots of water and brushing teeth, gums, cheeks, and rinsing with mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide do u think I will pass my drug test? I also have bought the Ultra Klean mouthwash too.
ReplyDeleteGot a swab smoked weed two weeks before will i pass
ReplyDeleteWhy did my swab test say no clonazepam or zolpidem if I take it everyday?? Any answers would help
ReplyDeleteI have to take a swab test it may be tomorrow or it maybe next not sure I took a half of a strip today and usually do every other day for the look at few years. This is for my job that I can't lose. I brush every day my teeth gums cheeks and tongue. Then gargle with listerine and peroxide. Does anyone know if this will show up??? Someone please please help if you have any idea at all. I'm so worried my stomach is acting up..
ReplyDeleteSupplements are a hot commodity in the market. What's the biggest advantage of the SARM results for muscle supplement is that there is no need for you to go through the supplements. Check out this site to know more about SARM S23 results.
ReplyDeleteIt's not as soluble as magnesium, so it doesn't move through your system as easily. If you are curious to know more about fake urine drug test, visit this site right here.