However, this conventional method of drug testing can’t detect drugs for the first four hours after use, and a faster-working test has been developed to check for the recent drug intake. Did you know that it’s possible to be checked for drugs through a mouth swab test also known as saliva or oral test? It’s true – many employers opt for this type of drug screening for two reasons. First – it can be conducted directly at the job site instead of a medical center, and second – the test results can detect more recent drug use and much quicker than urine results, so the wait time is drastically lowered.
So, are you curious about this drug-detection alternative to the standard urine test? Let’s take a look at mouth swab drug tests, all that they entail, and what it could mean if you need to get one yourself:
The Procedure

The oral test is conducted by taking a look at a small amount of the saliva in your mouth. If it is conducted for a job – this happens right at the place where you work, if for legal purposes – it could happen in a legal office or at your front doorstep. Your employer, or the authorities, will have you open your mouth so they can take a sample of your saliva. This is done with a swab that usually looks like a small plastic stick with wadding at the end, and it only takes a couple of seconds.

The swab is swiped in a small part of your mouth for a few seconds and then placed into a small container for testing. It’s quick, simple, and non-invasive.
What The Test Will Do
The saliva sample you allow to be taken will then be tested for the presence of a number of drugs. The common drugs that they’ll look for are THC (marijuana), Opiates, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy and PCP.
Medical professionals and testers have claimed that this type of test is more accurate than the urine test because it can reveal whether or not you’ve smoked, snorted, or ingested an illegal substance up to 72 hours previously. The downside of this is that it can only tell if you’ve engaged in drug use in that window. For example, if you smoke marijuana on a daily basis but stop 2-3 days prior to your mouth swab test, the results will probably come back negative. It can’t detect prolonged use or the remaining presence of a trace amounts like a urine test can.
Accuracy and Detection Times
Oral fluid samples are initially analyzed using “enzyme-linked immunoassay technology,” or ELISA. This is a proven method for drug screening – tests have been shown for cocaine, opiates and methamphetamine to be about 60% more sensitive than that of urine tests. This is a strong detection method and is likely to pick up on the drug chemicals (if they’re in there). Saliva testing, though, also screens positive test results twice – which means if there’s a mistake in your drug test, they’ll go into it more deeply and probably eliminate your false positive.
To ease your mind in knowing how long a drug will be in your system to be detected by the saliva test, here’s a description of the duration each drug stays in your system after you partake:
- Marijuana and Hash: up to 24 hours
- Opiates: 2-3 days
- Cocaine: 2-3 days
- Amphetamines, Meth, Ecstasy: 2 to 4 days
- PCP: 3 days
Mouth Swab Drug Test Hack
Though the medical community has claimed mouth swab tests are significantly more accurate and can be conducted in a lesser amount of time, passing the saliva drug test is actually much easier than trying to get around a pee sample. What is the best way to prepare for it? Take at least 3 days off from your drug of choice and brush your teeth using toothpaste and mouthwash regularly to eliminate trace elements. Many users, by thoroughly cleaning their mouth, have actually smoked the morning of their test and still passed, but taking a few extra days is the safest way to go.
How Does Detox Mouthwash Work?
Saliva tests are mostly conducted to determine any recent drug use, since oral fluids are self-cleaning, making detection possible only within a few days or even hours in rare cases. For the same reason, the effect of detox mouthwashes is also limited to a short period of time.When mixed with saliva that already exists in your mouth, the fast-acting ingredients of mouthwash immediately start cleansing your mouth from all kinds of unwanted substances, including traces of drugs and by-products. They cannot, however, force your salivary glands to produce clean saliva or stop working at all, so over time your mouth will once again fill with contaminated oral fluids, while the detox mouthwash will be dissolved and swallowed bit by bit.
That is why cleansing your mouth from drug metabolites before a swab test requires careful timing and following instructions exactly. Mouthwashes are usually most effective for 15 to 30 minutes after using. They gradually lose their power after a specified period of time.
It is also worth noting that all the ingredients are natural, safe, and not subjected to adulteration tests, which ensures that the lab staff will not suspect you of cheating.
Home Remedies
Some pople in internet recommend certain home remedies for passing a saliva test. Here are the most popular of them:
Hydrogen Peroxide
How is this supposed to work? Prior to driving or going to work, you want to brush your teeth. Rake the plaque off your tongue. Gargle with 1% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) 99% water. Then take a cotton ball and clean your entire mouth. Immediately before testing, take a mouth full of the H2O2 solution and gargle and swallow (its used in dental offices). What this does is get the old saliva from hours ago out of your mouth, and also residuals that are stuck on your tongue. The peroxide cleans the mouth thoroughly of residuals.
Although I couldn't find studies supporting this method, numerous sources claim that it works. However, if you are going to use it, be careful not to accidentally swallow any of the peroxide. It’s can cause internal harm if ingested.
Using vinegar is another trick to beat a drug test because it changes the acidity level in your mouth. This method calls for a mouthwash made by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water. The rinse is supposed to help you produce more saliva, which must dilute the drug concentration in an oral fluid sample.
In reality, changing acidity is not enough to prevent detection of drugs in oral fluids. There is no evidence to support the fact that vinegar itself can help you pass a mouth swab test this way. Rinsing your mouth with vinegar is recommended only as a preparation before using more effective solution.
Home remedies for passing a saliva drug test are not reliable. There are no scientific studies or medical research that backed their efficiency in getting you clean on the day of the test. Some may call these methods as urban legends. Home remedies are not magical solutions that could wipe the drug toxins out of your body.
What Is Inconclusive Mouth Swab Drug Test?
Drug test results can be inconclusive if the sample is diluted. An inconclusive or diluted drug test result could be a sign that the sample was tampered with, raising suspicion of whether the employee is attempting to avoid detection of drugs by “cleaning out their system.”
However, this does not mean that test is failed. There are innocent explanations for diluted samples (such as high water intake), so the donor has to retake the test.
I smoked two roaches Monday around 730 pm and my drug test was Tuesday at 430 today they sent my test to the lab today , do u think I failed or unsure
ReplyDeleteSaliva test must be fine. So, what was result?
DeleteWhat was your result? I just took a test yesterday and I was only clean for 19 hours... I am assuming I failed
DeleteStop doubt picking and u will pass lol
DeleteI'm taking a test tomorrow morning. The last time I smoked was at 5:30am this morning. I'll tell you if I pass.
DeleteI haven't smoked in close to 3weeks....I took the test this pass Friday .....but the test was Sooo last minute I didn't have time to go home and brush my teeth....I had gum in my u think I'll pass????
ReplyDeleteSaliva test is for current use. If you haven't smoke 3 weeks, you will pass even urine test, not to mention saliva.
DeleteYes! I'm almost positive you will! I didn't smoke 10 days prior and passed!!
Deleteyes i think so.drink plenty of water chew gum and listerine before doing it and morning before scrub teeth and gums till extremly clean and yep you will do the gum will of helped.let me tell you something.i used benzo for 4 weeks solid [valium] and i crushed one like a sweet 5 mins before i was tested.came back negative.its not an exact science they DO cock it up more than you wwould think.take it from a man who has been tested more times than an olimpic runner
ReplyDeleteI took abot 20 Valium do u know how many days it will not show up in a mouth swab I took them in two days time my test will be like next Teausday or we'd i f I brush my teeth n mouth relly good do u think ill be ok I have bad teeth tho does that matter
DeleteI just took a mouth swab drug test. And some of the blue ink got into the tube with the swab. Will this make my drug test to fail?
ReplyDeleteProbably just spoiled sample. You will have to retest
DeleteHey, I have a party coming up and will be getting swap tested the next day, if I shelf a pinger(ecstasy) in the anal cavity Will it show up in the saliva swab test?
ReplyDeleteThe last time i smoked weed was last week. Will i pass a cotton swab?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've read so far, I would say you should pass
Deleteyes x
ReplyDeleteIf I smoke a 20 of rock cocaine on Tuesday will it show up in my saliva on the next tuesday
DeleteNo. Cocaine detection time is 3 days. You can check here:
DeleteI smoked Sunday at 3:20pm and got drug tested today at 12:00pm which is Tuesday it was an oral test do you think I passed ?
ReplyDeleteif you brushed your teethe 3 times a day since listerined before the test etc ,border.trace inconclusive[so small you could of got it sitting in a room with others smoking it.
ReplyDeleteI took a month swab , haven't touched cocaine in 6 yrs. And my test came up positive for it , is this possible?
DeleteI took a cple of hits last night Wednesday and went to work on Thursday got a random oral swab drug test. I'm freaking out I hope I pass?
ReplyDeleteDid you pass??
DeleteIm a regular smoker I haven't smoked since last nite I've been brushing and using peroxide and Listerine do u think I'll b good by tomorrow test is Friday nine am?
ReplyDeleteYour braver then me. I would try to reschedule. I was a regular smoker and waited 4 days before and still failed.
DeletePopped a dilaudud 2 MG the night before but I am prescribed Norco 10s 5 times a day. Should I be worried about dilaudud showing up?
ReplyDeleteDilaudid, as you more than likely know, is an opiate. Yes, it will show up. Good thing is is actual drug levels are very, very inaccurate in regard to mouth swab tests. You'll should more than likely be able to pass the blame to the Norcos without the test giver sticking you for having high opiate levels, as dilaudid and Norco together will simply show you testing positive for an opiate. If anything say you took an extra Norco or two for breakthrough pain. Just don't let them think you're intentionally and regularly exceeding your doctors determined daily dosage.
DeleteI had cocaine friday and oral swab on tues will I fail
ReplyDeleteDid u pass?
DeleteDid you pass
DeleteI'm wondering if you passed as well
DeleteHello I smoked this pasted Monday 9-28-15, and have saliva drug test next week I should be fine??? What should I do in the mean time?.
ReplyDeleteIs the mouth swab test more sensitive than a urine sample. Does it detect longer?
ReplyDeleteI haven't smoked since September 20th & took a swab test yesterday at 3 o'clock Oct 5th, go you think I'll pass?????
ReplyDeleteOK I knw I messed up but I didn't smoke 2 days they didn't call I smoke a couple bowls then took another 2 will I pass the swab I'm freakin I think the line thingy stopped on thc
ReplyDeleteHey look guys I get saliva test done once a month not just a little rub on my check it's kinda big and it seems like it takes forever to soak up enough spit to turn blue anyway more to the point I take Xanax regular and I've done coke and I stop 5 days before I do it and haven't got a positive yet. And I've
DeleteOmg what dont u get about 3 days and its not detectible peoples
ReplyDeleteI think everyone just wants there own personal reasurrence.
DeleteLol right
DeleteYea a little irritating cause the article tells it all but no offense to anyone. I know the nervousness you feel when either waiting on your results or waiting to take a test. We need people to post thier results and when,how much and what they used. It will most likely vary a little but we can figure this out for real.
Deletethanks for this information it is putting me at ease so much ! i plan to stop smoking on the 13th of october and i have a oral swab test on nov.19 ,, but iknow it says 3days for the oral swab test i just dont wanna go back to county ,i smoke atleast 3-4 grams a day but am stopping at the 13th of oct. will i pass the test by then at the 19th of nov.?
ReplyDeleteI am an everyday pot smoker. I smoked on the 11th of this month and had my swab on the 14th. (Today) between the days I gargled with peroxide and Listerine 6-7 times a day. I also did it this morning before the test, drank a bottle of water and ate two Listerine strips right before. Do you think I passed? (The swab stick wasn't a regular swab, it looked like a pregnancy stick and they kept it in our mouth about 5 min.)
ReplyDeletesounds like the type used in drug dependency units.not sure it even checks for it ,just the hard drugs coke smak meth barbs benzo etc.they are very unreliable.
DeleteTook this kind of swap over summer and results were negative even though I had percocets the night before! Maybe it only tests for hard drugs?
DeleteI smoked a cigarette right before and sucked on it a lot, which i was tols not to do, ans i also and didn't scrub my gums as much as directed but it was left in for 3 mins. Negative with opiates in system for sure.
Took another today.. worried since I've bee on hard opiates all week. Took test out 30 seconds early, smoked cigarette right before again, and I didn't rub on gums or inside of cheek at all this time.
Will post results.
Will the slavia drug test show steroid use?
ReplyDeletenot tomy knowledge [that is supreme] i would say NO
ReplyDeleteCan second-hand smoke cause someone to fail a swab test?
DeleteI smoked Wednesday, had a random saliva test Thursday. I brushed my teeth and drank water before my test, I also didn't put much saliva on the cotton, will I pass?
ReplyDeleteI huff gasoline and I passed
DeleteI smoke on monday got test on w have not smoke for 62 hours will a nigga pass thc
ReplyDeleteI've had snorted a couple of vicodin and I have a prescription for percocet, I will be having an oral drug test for a job interview, and I was wondering how to pass this test cleaning out my system the quickest way possible. Could anyone help me out please??
ReplyDeleteHow did it do? How long did results take to come back please???
DeleteI smoked this morning did not know I was having a saliva test I put it in my mouth for about a minute when she walked out and put it inside her coffee and you said it back in my mouth until she came back you think I will pass
ReplyDeleteI have script for Vyvanse n have been taking adderrall. I was just alerted to test in the morning. Hope I pass NC those are 2 diff classes of meth.
DeleteGross..U put it in HER coffee??? Man that's nasty..she pr8b came in drinking that after ..ewwww lol
DeleteDo percocets take the same time?
ReplyDeleteLike I just snorted one and I want to go get this job but I need a saliva test next Monday. So that's 7 days away. If I brush my teeth Hellas and use mouth wash and floss and all that do you think I should be worried.
What were your results?
DeleteSo if I smoked a day be for and used opiated will me test be ok if I use a cotton ball and put water on it and let the water soak onto the mouth swab???? Please help me I'm panicing
ReplyDeleteSo what happened? What did you do exactly during the administration of the test and how did results come out?
DeleteVery slick but just in case they lab it or they can tell by the sliminess of it i would have used someone elses saliva. Thanks for the tip. I may use this or do what i always do when i need a job and have to take a drug test. I just quit a few days and i have bad withdrawals. Simple. Anyways I would like to know your results. You may have figured a way to get past the swab but we need your results.
DeleteDoes anybody know if Kratom shows on a mouth swab test for pre employment?
ReplyDeleteIt does not.
DeleteAre you sure?
DeleteI smoked bowls Sunday night around 8-9. I had a random oral drug test Tuesday 3ish. I only brushed my teeth that morning bc I didn't know I was being drug tested. Am I good?
ReplyDeleteSmoked at 12 AM this morning and I have a saliva test at 3pm what's my chances of passing
ReplyDeletethe last time I smoked was Friday morning, a bowl. Honestly not even, it was like the last good hit before its cashed lol just to be detailed. I found out that day I'll be taking a swab test Tuesday of Wednesday. It's really up to me deciding what day I would like to go for my interview. Will I be okay? D:
ReplyDeleteI haven't smoked in a week I brushed by teeth all day do you think I will pass
ReplyDeleteWhy don't any of you people post the results of your test?
ReplyDeleteYes please??
DeleteIts goofy and doesnt make a lick of sense does it? Its 2 things 1, At the moment of typing they were worried about themselves,2, Now sense they have results they are not worried about themselves anymore, so they do not care about helping everyone figure this thing out. No offense but its pissing me off. Ill post my results if i go. My best girl friend failed for like 4 things. I know opiates were one but now i wonder if she failed for opiates and they labbed it maybe it was four different kinds of opiates.
DeleteRight...many 'will i pass' and hardly any results posted....questions, no answers, lol
DeleteAnyway... I've been smoking pretty lightly lately.... ( for me ) I only smoked about 2.5 grams of decent bud. Over a 10-11 day period. Smoked a few pipe hits on Thursday @ about 4pm. Got popped with a random the next morning at 9:30 am. That left me with only 17.5 hours clean. I Brushed very well in the morning with a teeth whitening, peroxide toothpaste. Then drank a cup of coffee... And a energy drink at work. Then my boss calls me about the random. I put Listerine strips in both cheeks and on my tongue........ Rubbed it into my cheeks til it burned. Then chewed on a couple sticks of sugar free spearmint gum vigorously for 10 minutes or so before the swab. My mouth got really dried out ... Not sure if it was nerves or what. Anyway it was the Intercept brand swab. Anyway that is how it went down. Sweating bullets Waiting on the results. Light smoker I hope 17.5 hours is enough.
ReplyDeleteWhat was your result? Did it come back yet?
DeleteI got a negative result with percocets in my system.
Took a new one today. Same kind, hard sqaure one with blue handle. Not big xotton swab...Mouth was very dry, I didn't rub it on gums or cheeks at all, I lightly sucked on it hoping to suck out and maybe swallow most of my saliva. ..we took it out 30 seconds early. Hoping for the best.
I don't remember how long it took for the results of the last one to come back... how lomg did yours take?? wondering how long to worry for. Lol.
Yeah I passed
DeleteWhy don't any of you people post the results of your test?
ReplyDeleteWhat was yours?
DeleteYeah I passed
DeleteCan second-hand smoke make someone fail a swab test? (Smokin Joe)
DeleteHey smokin. I just had a similar experience. About 17 hours prior to my intercept brand test I took 3-4 hits. I am an every night smoker. I take 3-4 rips after work to calm me down. Our HR person called me to their office with no explanation as to why so I knew I was getting random tested. I keep a small travel size of alcohol based mouthwash in my desk drawer for this reason. I swished that around in my mouth to bind any traces of THC in my mouth to the alcohol. I swished for two minutes. Then on my way down I drank on my cup of coffee. Results should be in Monday it Tuesday. I took at home tests and passed after 12 hours with this method but the lab runs the enzyme immunoassay test which I don't know how it compares to the at home tests with lines that appear. I will post results when I get them. It's nerve wracking, that's for sure. All for a harmless plant!
DeleteYeah. Post results please. I'm curious
DeleteI posted May 20tg about getting popped for a random oral test having smoked 16-17 hours prior. I found out this morning I passed.
DeleteCouple things I wil do differently next time...I would brush my lower cheek more because that is where they have you place it. I would also not rub it on my chhek/gums if they let you insert the sticks. Remember to keep good oral hygiene. Most THC in your mouth is from smoking, not via bloodstream to saliva. Also try to have at least 24 hours sober for peace of mind. Especially if you know in advance. I never know in advance which is why I try not to smoke after 7 pm.
Hope this info helps people. This is only for THC detection, I don't do hard drugs but I know they can be detected for 2-3 days whereas THC is only really effective up to 24 hours, unless you never brush or practice good oral hygeine.
I smoked some meth on Sunday afternoon, yeah stupid right? Then Thursday morning got a call from PO to come swab... so I did. You think I'm okay? How long before he gets results?
ReplyDeleteYour not stupid. people who do drugs are not bad people they need help not to be ridiculd sp?
Delete. We are only human and humans each and every one of you have mad a bad decision in life what makes that any different than someone smoking meth. May be a bad decision but your not stupid. Ive struggled w herion and meth addiction for 8 years im currently clean and happy to be but come on people someone asks a question to get a good answer not a stupid ignorant one
DeleteI smoked weed on the 15th and took a saliva drug test on the 18th. Think I'm okay???
ReplyDeleteI took a salvia test In seattle. Do you think they will be more open minded about thc?...... or should i just give up and start hunting again, i had no clue they salvia tested so i smoked 6 hours before i got hired????
ReplyDeleteits been a week they sent me a welcome to the team email... my gut says they should know i burn trees within this time frame, but i also saw that Kroger can take two weeks for a BC. do you think they would get the test for pot sooner(im not even 100% that they are looking for weed
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOf your mouth is very dry and there is not much salivia, does anyone think that will help? I also did not rub on my gums as instructed. Lmk thoughts.. have weed and opiates in system for past week. Surprise test for whole office so no time to prepare..
ReplyDeleteGave me cotton mouth really bad. just like when you smoke good stuff. I was thinking fuck what if the that thing is having a chemical reaction to the thc and gave me cottonmouth? I was thinking all kinds of weird shit all week about the what ifs. Stressful week when your job is on the line and you just don't know exactly what the hell is going to happen, But I made it. Hope my experience can help calm your nerves. Good luck :)
DeleteI smoked for the first time last Friday and Saturday, and then I had a random test on Monday. (Mouth swab) Do you think I passed? Please answer asap!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI smoked 9 hours before my test i didnt know about. Did i fail?
Deleteall my responses were deleted.. Cal did you get the result for your second test?
ReplyDeleteDifferent tests have different cutoff levels. I believe most tests are 12ngl or 15ngl . the smaller # goes from about 8-14 hr detection . the bigger # is 6-12 Hrs. detection. So there is some hope there. These are the 2 most common tests.
DeleteGood info joe. Thats the type we need. Im just gonna quit my pills for a few days or cheat.
Deletetook a saliva drug test Saturday 1:30 pm. smoked a snapper (small amount of weed) last night friday at 9:30 pm what will my result be?
ReplyDeleteJst took it today ill tell yall if i passed
ReplyDeleteI mixed rub-Alcohol an mouth wash +water in my mouth lol
Carefull mu buddy failed a swab for boozw but thats what they were testing for. If its a job around your area though then you should know if they test for booze.
DeleteI haven't smoked in 2 weeks but I failed this test 😫😫
ReplyDeleteWow really? If you brished 2 or 3 times a day and used moith wash then i would raise hell for another one cause that was a bogus test.
DeleteSame i.didn't smoke a month or.2.ago n I failed now I'm worried I got another test tomorrow
DeleteQuit judging
ReplyDeleteI have a random test coming up nxt week, they mainly test u if u have a accident but being december an pay day wk the devils are going all out on us. Tried asking all i know who have had test which brand it was to find the likely ngl level of cut off but the muppets fail to absorb this info. So am going witout untill am tested an gain this info so i.can start smoking again after wrk upuntill the time cut off point of the.brand of swab they use. Y so many ask on here if they will pass but fail to repost the outcome of there test is shamefull. I know i will pass thc swabthis time but if i get tested in future wen i have smoked upto like 12 hours b4 i will sure share my findings. Never drank in years an never missed day of.wrk through thc in fact gives best muscle relax after wrk an best sleep rdy for enough hard days graft
Deletei used crack cocaine monday night at 7pm was last. i have to report tomorrow.. at 8am. if they swab me will it be positive then?? ugh
DeleteSo i haven't smoked weed since October 31. I took my oral test Monday. Do you think I passed?
ReplyDeleteI have a saliva drug test coming these types of test,test for buprenorphrine or suboxone?
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the type of swab they're using. If you're being tested @ place for opioid dependence the answer is most likely yes. Generally, it seems the testing now doesn't only test for opiates as a general category but rather if the test is pos. it will specify the opioid. Examples: Methadone, Suboxone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Heroin, Oxycodone, Codeine, etc. However, not all tests do this. The swabs I get test for a lot of various classes of drugs & distinguish the exact drug(s) within that class if it comes up pos. It won't simply state Benzos, it will name which benzo. Examples: lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam, etc. What's most concerning is that often they show false positives, it has happened to me & many others.
Deletewhen i faced randoms i was tol that they usually didnt test for buprenorphrine, what they test for is the Naloxone in in subs. It supposedly stay in your sytem longer. Cant say for sure but ive heard that.
DeleteI do subutex no naloxone, out of 4 tests I have only failed for it once n that's due to them popping up n I had done sum not long before, every other time I did sum the night before but none day of n I passed
DeleteOkay, so I smoked last on Monday night. I got drug tested with a spit stick today. Should I be alright??? I drank lots of water. I don't generally smoke a whole lot but I had smoked about five days in a row. Just a couple hits off a bowl a night. Think I passed?
ReplyDeleteSmoked 8 hrs ago , surprise swab test came up ,i brushed my teeth , gums , cheeks 3 times good . Rinsed with peroxide 3 times and listrine 4 times.on the way there let pepsi sit in my mouth . Held listerne in my mouth all the way to the door.waited 15 minutes for the test. What do you think my chances are?
ReplyDeleteI got a job as a security guard. I hadn't smoked pot in 3 almost 4 months and yet when I took a 3 minute saliva test I popped positive for THC. How is this possible??? I honestly don't brush my teeth that sounds gross I get it but that's the truth. Last encounter I had with or around weed was this one nightstand I had he didnt smoke that night but was a frequent pot smoker. Kissed him about 3 or 4 weeks ago but as far as me smoking it it's been almost 4 months. I took hydrocordone for back pain yesterday and yet that didn't pop I'm confused and worried for my job. How in the world did I pop positive for THC in that 3 minute saliva test? Also to throw it out there I'm in Washington state and under legal age. Could I lose my job because of this what do I do??
ReplyDeleteYea it's so cool to smoke weed every f-ng day, but if someone has an addiction, which is a medical condition, we should lock 'em all narrow-minded. Also weed is still illegal to the feds regardless of what state u live in. I have never used Meth & never will but the U.S needs to change the way addiction is treated. I've smoked weed 4xs in my life, worst drug in way it effects me. Btw, I have tested false pos. 2xs for cocaine & 2nd test also showed false pos. for THC!!! Both were mouth swabs.
ReplyDeleteI smoke Kush Saturday just took a w730 intercept brand oral test how long will the synthetic show up
ReplyDeleteI'm applying for a job at a warehouse in a few days. They do swab tests at the temp place for job. I took 1 hit off of low thc 1 month ago and nothing since January 4th. Should I be good to pass if I continue using mouth wash and brushing teeth 2xs a day??
ReplyDeletehello I burn daily had my test last night and they sent it off I used the gum and the swab thing sat in my mouth for 5 minutes is that one harder to pass
ReplyDeleteIf I smoked PCP Saturday and take a saliva test on Wednesday do u think I will pass
ReplyDeleteI wish you people would post the results.
ReplyDeleteI know. I keep reading and keep seeing the same stuff. People being selfish and just wanting a pep up. We NEED TO KNOW what you did, how much and when. Then WE NEED THE RESULTS. That way we could figure this out for real. Well, im thinking about getting a job where they swab. I only and mean only do high level opiates. If I do I'll let yal know the time frame and results.
DeleteI took at dab just now 12 am and I have a cotton swab test on Friday. Am I gonna pass
ReplyDeleteI applied for a job and it went really well, they do mouth swab drug testing, how many days do I need to stay off of methadone in order for it to show up negative. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP....
ReplyDelete24 hrs
Deletemethadone does not come up in a swap test, not the ones we do here in the UK for court ordered drug tests
DeleteI smoked last night at 8 and I had a test the next day at 10 swab do you think I passed???
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks mister. This is the type of post we need and we'll figure this out. Let us know the results please.
DeleteI smoked a bowl early Friday morning and had a swab test today around 3. I think I passed it but I would like your all's opinions.
ReplyDeleteAnd the stuff was pretty potent.
DeleteIf your on a methadone program n take a swab test....the kind that look like a pregnancy test...will it show??...and if so what does it show up as?? I will post results for others to read n learn from....
ReplyDeleteI recently had to take a random swab test. I smoked at 7pm the night before and got tested at 1:30 pm the next day, but I brushed my teeth that morning before leaving. I'm worried I didn't pass. What do you guys think?
ReplyDeleteWell I spoked pot at 2am and I had my oral swab done at 11am
ReplyDeleteI'll post my results as soon as I find out
Hey how did it go please respond
DeleteI really could use some advice please help I smokedon't this Monday the 28th and I have an saliva test on friday. I have not smoked and have began mouthwashinges I think peroxide today. If my test is Friday at 1pm. Do you all think I have a good chance of passing?
ReplyDeleteAll these stories are great+some made me feel a little better..but why doesnt anyone respond to these husband smokes a lot of weed..+just found out he has2get a swab test friday..were a wreck..failing this test will result in homeless..for us+our kids..i realize this isnt anyones problum but ours pmease dont give me a lectute like one i read where someone ..called someone a loser ..hoping they went back to jail..thats horrible..if someone does drugs who cares..its their life..dont judge..anyway my point here can my husband pass..please someone answer..thank you..
ReplyDeleteHere is the answer:
DeleteYea went a little crazy or as stupid as the guy smoking meth on parole or probation but he knows that. Think before you speak Joe. He may be having to see a po on some super minor stuff or may have been in the right for all we know. Not likely but thay doesnt make him a bad guu and i hate meth.
ReplyDeleteDid you pass?
ReplyDeleteI have a drug swab tomorrow first thing and I am a regular smoker. Will peroxide within an hour of the test temporarily clean me?
ReplyDeleteI took a mouth swag drug test and don't do any drugs but my test came back positive for marijuana! I don't know how, is this possible and what should I do?? I drank a monster energy drink literally right before I took the test. Could that be it??
ReplyDeleteThis is false positive result. Sometimes happens. Some foods and medications may cause it. Ask for confirmation test.
DeleteI took a drug swab test today and the results will appear next week. An hour before I took the unexpected drug test, I applied ointment which contained 10% alcohol on my lip. Will this show up?
ReplyDeleteHey! I hope this helps someone...
ReplyDeleteI am a casual pot smoker, it eases pain, and I have been in pain management (they drug test) for the past 8 months, for multiple issues (pot is not enough unfortunately).
I only smoke the first week after my last appointment, to give me 3 weeks to clean out. I've always had urine tests, always passed. I got a saliva test last month, i just went to my appointment today, guess what? I FAILED.
I requested the test result form. The threshold for THC was 2 ng/ ml.
(This is extremely low, like possible contact, positive levels). They send away to a lab.
So beware!
I have taken the saliva "job drug tests", always fine.
So if I took x on a Friday that next week on Thursday I should be clean for a swab?
ReplyDeleteYes, for sure
DeleteI have a mouth swab test coming up on Friday & I did dope today (Tuesday, but late like 1 a.m.) & the test will be early-ish (about 11 a.m. ) . If I follow advice from this website & others like brushing a lot, using mouth wash, drinking a lot of water, & not smoking the morning of the test do you all think I will pass the test? I have a lot to lose if I fail. Will probably go to jail. Please some advice will be greatly appreciated. I'm not a bad person just made some bad decisions & fuck drugs are hard to get off of. Will post my results too lol. Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteWhat did you take? If it's weed, you will pass. If something else, maybe a problem
DeleteLast time smoked was 23 days ago. 5 foot 4 and 250 pounds. Was a regular smoker b4. Mouth swab today. Do you think all will be good?
ReplyDeleteDid you pass
DeleteAll good!
DeleteGot the job!
DeleteMy husband took a mouth swab test and never used drugs and it came up positive was there something wrong with the test
ReplyDeleteFalse positive results appear in about 5-10% cases. Some medications or even foods can cause it. He must demand confirmation test, not saliva, but urine or hair test.
DeleteAlright I smoked a lot late Saturday night and took a break till Wednesday morning. I practice good oral hygiene every day but I'm still really nervous that I might show positive. I am a fair smoker not too heavy. Still waiting on results but I will note I didn't eat or drink anything after brushing my teeth and rinsing with mouth wash so I hope I didn't fuck up there. I'll post results when I get them
ReplyDeleteWell IDK if anyone will read this but in case anyone does, I passed the test YES!! Just practice good oral hygiene and refrain from smoking up to 72 hours would be my best advice
DeleteYeah, we read this :) Thanks for posting your result. Many people here look for some kind of advice, I think your one will be helpful for some of them.
DeleteWhat happens if I didn't put enough saliva on the swab will I have to retest ?
ReplyDeleteEvery time I take this test it still comes out positive 2 weeks after I do the drug. It's only supposed to go back 2-4 days so why does it go back 2 weeks for me?
ReplyDeletereally? u show up as positive even 2 weeks later?? thats crazy...holy shit now i'm worried cuz i smoked today, thursday night and i have a drug test monday morning. I might reschedule my test for a couple days afterwards cuz i have that option to reschedule. By the way you are incredibly hot Ashley. Seriously nothing better than a gorgeous blonde 😘
DeleteJoe, you're the only piece of shit here (at least the only one making it known). Unknown meth smoker above seems like a decent enough human. Really says something when you can come across as a total POS from a single, small paragraph posted on an online forum.
ReplyDeleteIf i get on a train leaving Los Angeles at 3 pm today,(which is a Tuesday) bound for Charlotte going 85 mph with no layovers, smoked crack cocaine about half way there with some Rastafarians would reeked of marijuana and alcohol, then my probation officers calls just then so now I freaking out cause I think he knows. Anyway am I going to fail for opiates at my job interview tomorrow if I had a sesame seed bagel on the train.
DeleteI took an oral test he told me to put under my tongue left and I took a big Swig of coffee just before then test never turned blue
ReplyDeleteHad a back ache on Saturday took some tylnoal 3 with codeine didn't really think about it.then had to take a saliva test on Tuesday anyone have any idea weather I'll pass or might pass
ReplyDeleteI had cocaine I'm my mouth last night a very small amount I didn't use I took a oral drug test today will I pass?
ReplyDeleteOk so I read all up on the post I could however I'm still really confused about 1 thing I did a small line of coke on Monday evening and on Wednesday at 5 pm I went for an interview and had to do oral swab???? I really never do coke does that matter? And I know 3 days is the time but I only had 2 days so I'm really worried any thoughts???
ReplyDeleteI failed almost 5 days later with just small amount of single use. Good luck
DeleteIf "someone" snorted 30mg oxycodone and took the mouth swab an hour later would it be in their system enough to show positive.
ReplyDeleteI took a swab test and on the end of it has this little window that will turn blue when the swab has enough saliva this time it didn't and person took it will it come back invalid or what do you think? Plus I used mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide but had coffee in between .
ReplyDeleteOk since not many post their results I'll post my experience...... I do vyvanse, smoke daily but only a bowl before bed, take subutex....... I had done maybe a half gram of coke on Saturday, 1 time party thing, informed Monday that I'd be swabbed Thursday, I did nothing except sub up until Wednesday. Brushed mouth thoroughly about 3 times a day and used mouthwash, morning of test I brushed n rinsed before test n put Altoids in my mouth. Wouldn't u know passed for everything EXCEPT coke! I was in complete shock. 2 weeks later was popped with one arpund 3pm had no time but quickly rinsed with peroxide n mouthwash n popped altoid n failed for the weed, smoked my bowl night before, the vyvance, done it that morning, and sub, did sum hour prior to test..... stopped vyvance and smoking completely......2 weeks later popped again around noon is, only had done sub for prior 2 weeks, last dose was night before, brushed mouth n used mouthwash that morning but no Altoids this time-passed everything with flying colors! Hope this helps someone! Still so baffled by positive coke test but passed for everything thing else that I do on a regular basis! N they broke it all down No false positives.
ReplyDeleteI get a swab test every month form my doctor, im prescribed suboxone and xanax, so they test me to make sure im not doing any other drugs. But i do smoke weed with high levels of thc, but i smoke only a couple of times right after my doctors appointment, practice good oral hygiene and i always pass for pot, but since its for my doctor they send it to a lab for analysis cause of course I fail for what I'm prescribed. So they check to see if i have anything else in there. But i do know on the other mouth swabs that they just look for a false/ positive, if you smoke the day before it only test a small window of time between 4 to 12 hrs. But just to be on the safe side if you use the brush your teeth really well and rinse your mouth with peroxide mouth wash really well before you test method you should have no problem passing.hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteI havent smoked weed in a couple weeks then today i smoked a blunt. I washed my teeth and used mouth wash. I had a random saliva drug test and they made me put the swab in my mouth for 10min. For those 10min the swab barely touched any parts of the inside of my mouth. I tried to cheat it that way. Does it work? Will even the smallest amount of saliva be enough to detect something?
ReplyDeleteI took a 15mg oxy and 80mg total yesterday night and have a mouth swab test today for a job. Does anyone have any helpful tips on how to pass today and if I really have any chance in hell in passing? I could wait but then I would be risking second else getting my job. It's on a first come basis. Any helpful advice would be appreciated?
ReplyDeleteI quit smoking weed 53 hours prior to taking my mouthswab. I very concerned on if I will pass or no.what do yall think
ReplyDeleteHey i did cocaine like on the 23rd do you think ill pass a swab test if it was next week
ReplyDeleteI did one line of meth on Friday and had random today.. think I will pass?
ReplyDeleteI smoked weed yesterday and slept with a hooker I have to test tomorrow morning will it be positive
ReplyDeleteI’m a daily smoker and have been for a couple of decades. Discovered I was going to be given an oral swab test today (found out yesterday). Shit! Was totally prepared for a UA (Quick Fix has always worked for me). Panic mode sets in. I had right at 24 hours of abstaining from smoking. Yesterday, I brushed my teeth, gums and cheeks twice and used Listerine twice. This morning before the test, I super-brushed and used Listerine again. I then used Dr Green’s Oral Rinse (half bottle) and then headed to the test. On the way, I used the remainder of the Oral Rinse and spit it out in the parking lot of the testing place. Was given the swab within 5 minutes of arriving. The HR person insisted on talking to me while we waited for the blue dot to show and the swab ended up breaking (apparently, I had cotton mouth – LOL). Was given the second oral swab and FINALLY got the blue dot after about 5 minutes. Will find out tomorrow or the following day if I passed or not. Fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteI have a swab the 18th at 330 for probation. I have been goin pretty hard on opiates and meth within the past few weeks. I also smoked a joint about 10 days ago. Do you feel as good f I quit the 15th on the harder stuff I will pass my test?? I will drfinTly post my results. Hopefully to help people out there like me. Probably trippin for no reason.
ReplyDeleteHELP> I smoke dabs on the daily, many times a day. I have a SWAB TEST on Tuesday 5.2.17 and today is 4.24.17 the Monday a week before. When should I stop? all over the web says 72 hours at most for anything but I know dabbing has A LOT more THC than just the flower. HELP PLEASE!!
ReplyDeleteSo, I smoked Thursday night and I have a swab test Saturday morning. Will i pass??
ReplyDeleteI smoked weed on Saturday and Sunday and I had a suprise mouth swab yesterday which was Friday and I havn't brushed my teeth on a regular but I smoke cigarettes do you think ill pass it?
ReplyDeleteWell I had a Adderall-25 at about 8:25. Came back to the office but my nose started bleeding. Had 2 Adderall the day before as well far my exam. I took 2 Lorazapam 10 and the the call came at 9:30. Come for random test !! My mouth was very dry and they had to use 2 swaps to do the test and it still didn't turned blue. Send it off just like that. How long for the results ?
ReplyDeleteTook two hits of some weed 10 minutes before tested had no time to brush my teeth but swished and gargled listerine 4 times prior to and held swab under my tongue on ice cubes for 5 minutes of testing never touched mt checks or teeth with tester
DeleteJust failed a drugs test for thc but I haven't smoked for 2 months, they're sending it off for analysis. I should pass on the the as it must be a false positive! I took cocaine stupidly on friday though (3 days ago) do you think this will show up in the lab analysis? Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteI have a swab test on Tuesday and i did a bag of dope on Sat night. Haven't done any in the week before that. Is that enough time to pass
ReplyDeleteI got swabbed for probation yesterday the first swab didn't work before I done 2nd one I washed and swished my mouth good with water the second swab took I smoked weed the day before, I didn't know I was getting tested, did the water rice my mouth and also they wanted me to put it under my tongue but I left it on top of my tongue,does that matter? Do you think I'll pass? Please help
ReplyDeleteI took ecstasy(just 1) yesterday and have a swab test tomorrow do you think i will pass
ReplyDeleteCan someone answer my question plz
DeleteHey, bro. The rule looks to be 72 hours before you are good to pass. Is there anyway to push it off another day or two? Is it court ordered?
DeleteGood luck. I'm in the same boat. It's just a part time job making Shitty money, but I need to stay busy or I do dumb shit (see my recent post for reason).
Also, do us all a favor and post your results?
DeleteHere is the type of "fun" and the length of time that they are detected using a mouth swab drug test. I usually add one day to these types of graphs. Better to be safe than sorry:
So, yeah, I use drugs often. Nit a lifestyle and I'm not a crack head addict, but I do party.
ReplyDeleteThis week I stoked a few bowls and a blunt. I snorted some heroine wed and thur (I don't suggest it. It sucks. I'd rather snort a roxy).
So I'm sure I have weed and opiates in my system. I was hired on Ruth a place that does mouth swabs. Luckily, I didn't have my social security card on me when I went in for a second interview (instead of the interview they just hired me). They want to do the swab today (24 hours I last did anything). Again, I couldn't take it.
I have until Monday or Tuesday to take the swab test. If I brush well she use mouthwash, and abstain from anything fun until then do you think I'll be ok?
I see the 72 hours and I'm guessing I'll be fine. Just wondering if anyone else is a non-consistent user of multiple things and passed one of these in 72 hours.
Also, I'll be sure to post my results. On some of these posts I've seen similar situations, but no results on a pass or fail (fuckers!!). Those could have helped me.
1. Smoked pot lightly Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
2. Tooted some H Wednesday and Thursday.
(I'm not an active user and really went against my best instincts on it, but I was bored and it was there)
3. Mouth test Monday or Tuesday.
Think I should be good on taking it?
Post note:
Mouth swabs are a lot less stressful than urine tests if you know in advance. I'd fail a piss test for adds, roxy (opiates), and weed.
Good luck everyone that likes to party but it's not "legal". As long as you're not sticking your veins with needles and your family is fed then fuck all the judgemental assholes out there in the world.
Its for a job but how long till it kicks in i took it at 3:30pm and had to take the test at 1:30pm the next day I'm waiting on the results so I'm pretty fucked huh?
DeleteDid you use any type of mouthwash or anything? Never give up hope for any reason.
ReplyDeleteNo wasn't aware of the test
DeleteHelp!! I need help decyfering a home test
ReplyDeleteI had a saliva test today but I stopped drinking at 12:00am Sunday night and I stopped using cocaine Friday night do you I think I passed?